We are servants of God, celebrating God’s Spirit of love and forgiveness as taught by Jesus Christ. Invigorated and energized by the Spirit, we teach, live and share the Christian faith. We dedicate ourselves to making faith a priority in our lives.
By God’s grace, we will be an attentive church. We commit ourselves anew to listen for God’s word in Holy Scripture, in our rich heritage, in faithful witness, and in the fresh winds of the Holy Spirit so that we might discover God’s way for us.
By God’s grace, we will be a welcoming church. We commit ourselves to be a church for all people. Through Christ we celebrate, affirm, and embrace the rich diversity of God’s good creation.
By God’s grace, we will be a responsive church. We commit ourselves to be a church of justice, mercy and peace, so lives may be renewed, spirits revived, and communities transformed.
By God’s grace, we will be a supportive church. We commit ourselves to strengthen the body of Christ through renewed resolve and mutual support for our common ministries.