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Pastor Bobby Robertson

“By Faith…….” (Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith)

It is not ironic that the voice of God reached the heart of our pastor to begin a ministry in 1993 that would be called “Monument of Faith” for God saw that our leader is a “Man of Faith.” His life is one that exemplifies a faith walk. His belief in the power of God and the word of God mirrors the faith of old. It is a tough faith, a constant commitment to hang on and believe God against all odds, no matter the situation or circumstance. It is the faith that continues to activate the hand of God and bring about overwhelming miracles for this ministry. It is a proactive faith – God gives the VISION and FAITH gives our Pastor the ability to make the PROVISION.


From the beginning as the oldest twin child of the late Walter Robertson and Mother Blanche Robertson, Pastor Robertson was “chosen.” At the age of nine years old, he heard the call of God and by faith heeded to the call in 1973. Upon yielding to the will of God, Pastor Robertson worked untiringly by the side of his pastor, Dr. Lettie Cohen. Later, again by faith he accepted the pastoral assignment to Saints Delight United Holy Church in Drewry, North Carolina. God gave the vision for an educational facility and fellowship hall. Once again by faith, Pastor Robertson not only believed the vision but also stepped out to make the provision. He physically labored along with members of the church to see the visualizing of the vision.

In 1989, he served as pastor of Mebane Chapel United Holy Church in Hillsboro, North Carolina. Again, a vision was given to build an educational facility and fellowship hall. He used his knowledge once again to aid in the completion of this vision. In 1998, God again spoke to Pastor Robertson to erect a new sanctuary and facility for Monument of Faith. He spent countless hours allowing the voice of God to lead him in the actual design and drawing of this edifice. When an architect was hired, the layout and design had been completed.


Phase I of this Building Program was without a doubt an act of faith. While the natural man looked at our motto: “Touching the Untouchable,” Pastor Robertson knew that the vision was given, and by faith it would be done. If any doubt had registered in the minds of anyone, we are confident it has been erased, as we truly see a masterpiece from our heavenly Father through our founding pastor's faith, life and legacy.


While Hebrews Chapter eleven cannot be rewritten, we believe that our pastor has been inducted into the Hall of Faith and will continue to encourage those he meets to simply “have faith.”

Co-Pastor Carol Cohen Robertson

"A Better Sacrifice"

“I Delight To DO Your Will”… Psalms 40:8

As Monument of Faith embraced the vision, we were again moved by the faith of our leader. We gained strength in our spiritual walk as we observed faith in action. Not only is faith visible, but also we see the power of SACRIFICE as a means of activation and moving God to lend favor to his people. We are inspired and amazed to watch our Co-pastor continue to mirror sacrificial living. Reflecting back on the life of Co-Pastor Robertson we can certainly see that God was molding her life for this moment, this ministry, and this miracle. From the age of ten years old, she traveled extensively as the pianist and organist for her mother, Dr. Lettie P. Cohen. Even in her childhood, God was building the capacity for sacrifice. Although she often went to school with little sleep, she was resilient and motivated herself to work hard and achieve. She often recounts the testimony of how after receiving a full scholarship to Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina her mother would not allow her to go so that she could continue assisting in the ministry. This was for Co-Pastor Robertson a real sacrifice but out of obedience she did not go and continued to work with the children of this area for some twenty-three years. Because of her sacrifice and obedience, we have seen God layup great treasures for her. After marrying Pastor Robertson, she found herself in the role as a first lady/pastor’s wife. Without question, this role requires a willingness to sacrifice. Because she is committed to the cause of Christ, she sacrificed in this capacity without wavering.


As Co-Pastor of Monument of Faith, we witnessed her standing beside her husband of forty-six years in a very vital and visible way, willing to give of herself, her time, and her energy in totality. She spent countless hours spiritually and physically laboring for the realization of this vision. She was on call twenty-four hours a day ministering and expounding a powerful word to the lost in the community and to those in need. As she sacrificed her time, many lives have been changed and have been delivered by the grace of God out of detrimental situations to become instrumental in proclaiming God’s power.

Monument of Faith Ministries, Inc.
319 Henry Street, Eden, NC  27288
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Service Times


Intercessory Prayer:  9:30AM

Power 40 Sunday School:  10:00AM

Morning Worship:  11:00AM

Evangelistic Service:  3:00PM (as announced)



Bible Study:  7:00PM

Legacy Bible Study:  7:00PM (1st Wednesday of each month)

ADULT ZOOM:  3366273183

YOUTH ZOOM:  3362533502

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Phone:  336.627.3183

Booking:  336.589.8120


© 2016 by Monument of Faith Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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